it's a me,


gamer, movie geek, board games enjoyer


Hi, I am a full-stack developer who currently works in Croatia as a Software developer. I am really passionate about everything web related, from designing even the smallest of buttons and making the simplest of animations all the way to creating a little bit more complex websites and applications.

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MyNews is a Web application for reading the latest news happening around the world, quickly glancing at the featured news or searching news with the keywords and themes of your liking. Built with React/TypeScript and Sass. MyNews was a really fun and challenging project where I learned a lot about API calls and structuring React code.

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MyNews is a Web application for reading the latest news happening around the world, quickly glancing at the featured news or searching news with the keywords and themes of your liking. Built with React/TypeScript and Sass. MyNews was a really fun and challenging project where I learned a lot about API calls and structuring React code.

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Moneytown is an application that allows you to create your own personal budgets, add any expenses to that budget and go through all of your different budgets, see your spending and delete expenses or whole budgets. Built with React/JavaScript and CSS. Moneytown was a project I decided to build to learn more about React Router Dom features.

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Moneytown is an application that allows you to create your own personal budgets, add any expenses to that budget and go through all of your different budgets, see your spending and delete expenses or whole budgets. Built with React/JavaScript and CSS. Moneytown was a project I decided to build to learn more about React Router Dom features.

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Notio is a website that provides you with a functionality of writing, saving, editing and deleting notes combined together with a beautiful modern UI with small animations bringing everything together. Built with React/TypeScript and Sass. Notio was my first time trying to implement simple and smooth animations into my website and it worked wonders.

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Notio is a website that provides you with a functionality of writing, saving, editing and deleting notes combined together with a beautiful modern UI with small animations bringing everything together. Built with React/TypeScript and Sass. Notio was my first time trying to implement simple and smooth animations into my website and it worked wonders.

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Travelshare is a full-stack Web application that I built using the MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack. It was my Senior thesis project for finishing the University and getting my Bachelors degree. It is a social media where you can create your user profile, share photos of your travels, view other users photos, “heart” the photos and more. Frontend built with React/JavaScript and CSS.

Project screenshot


Travelshare is a full-stack Web application that I built using the MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack. It was my Senior thesis project for finishing the University and getting my Bachelors degree. It is a social media where you can create your user profile, share photos of your travels, view other users photos, “heart” the photos and more. Frontend built with React/JavaScript and CSS.


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My first coding experience was creating a matrix rain inside a console terminal pretending to be a hacker when I was 11 years old. Ever since then, anything and everything computer related has found its way into my heart.

I’ve studied at the University in Split, earning myself a Bachelors degree with a deans recognition for the best student in my major, which I’m extremely proud of.

I fell in love with designing and building websites, applications and user interfaces at university when I had my first Web development class, and the rest, is history...

I am eager to learn more about software development and I’m currently looking for a full-stack developer position to further progress my career and learn among professionals.

When I’m not designing or coding, I’m most likely gaming, stargazing, watching a movie or just simply hanging out with the people close to me.